rofl, the 6th one is because people assumed the bible was fact. i wonder if that is applicable to this debate...? also: yeah, science has been...
pretty sweet guide; short, sweet, and to the point. the only thing i would recomend adding are points on the fuel rod and sentinal beams...
you lucky bastard xD went to school played some futbol
no, i mean: pictures of distorted crosses + idea that that proves god + christian warping = NOT WIN i guess i should thank you jedi, your posts...
a map like this was featured a while ago, but it's still a tried and true concept. the shrinking hill thing ive never thought of, very cool.
people that call each other bks. makes me wangry just thinkin about it
prediction: it will be winsauce something i would like to see them add is more different weapons, they've stayed pretty true to the weapon set...