Just uploaded my second machinima to my channel. It's another one of those musical machinimas where the music determines the mood and pace of the...
I've listened to this song like 15 times today xD
I have an HD PVR, so I guess that I can help. I don't really have the time to playtest right now since I've got school and all that sh*t, but...
Hey... I've recently created my own machinima channel where I'll be uploading my own videos (you can check it out if you want). Anyways, I'm...
Thanks. I know the ending is kinda sudden but I had to fit it with the music somehow... But thanks for liking it! :)
And I love you for loving it! :) ♥
Hey. Would you mind tell me a little about your story? :) I won't steal it I promise x)
How about sending me a private message about the story so I can take a look at it? Don't worry, I won't steal it or anything x)
Thanks for the feedback :) I know the ending is kinda awkward, but I needed a fast way to end the video. I'm not completely satisfied with that...
Do you mean the thread about Dark Corners Productions? Sure, I can probably help out with some machinimas as long as the production is taken...
Since I'm Swedish I really wanted to stay away from voice acting in this video. I mean I'm good at English and all but my accent would probably...
Finally some feedback! Thanks mate :)
Sooo, I made this machinima a while back and decides to post it on my new Youtube channel as my first video. YouTube - "Remember Me" - A Halo...
Isn't the banshee really really overpowered on this map?
Wow, man. Really good job on this one! When you stand in the middle of the map it really feels like a city just collapsed around you. Would be...
Looks great! Finally a remake that looks like a clean and simple version of the original! Some of the others I've seen looks nothing like...
Dont know if you guys have seen this already. Anyways, here's all the Halo Reach Forge objects compressed into a 12 minutes video! Forgehub does...
I'm just gonna play and forge and play and forge and play and forge and play and forge... Meanwhile I'll check out whats cool in the armory and...
Huh? Ehh so you mean that the right answer is 14/2=7!? That's like saying 9-2=7 or 9+14+10-26=7! Where do you get that number 2 from anyways?
Headlong FTW! :D