Haha, I wish man. If only. It's not getting up voted as much as I had hoped.
Yeah, I knew it was limited, my first attempt doing this. Glad it made you laugh!
:D char
My first attempt at animating! Check it out! :D Teenage Alien Ninja Turtles! - YouTube Michael Bay style and ****! If you liked it please...
did that to me last night. Reset your router if you can. If not unplug your xbox wait 30 seconds and plug it back in. Then try to connect to xbox...
so uhhhh hows this going?
[IMG] 1 Hi there... I see you're new around here. What's your name? Do you like dubstep? Do you have some very strange and quite possibly...
Yeah I'll be sure to have king judge come here to check out your guys responses. Thanks for all of the criticism so far guys!
actually these clips were all from about a 5 hour all nighter, I then taught kingjudge the basics of editing then he took the rest of the day...
**** Tage 1 - YouTube Half funtage/ half montage. This is my best friends Kingjudges first attempt at both filming and editing a video by...
Bought one of the action kits the other day. Also, somewhat related. 9GAG - Joseph PONY! Help me my Bronies!
Wow, perfect timing, Im in the middle of my remake of construct, yours looks like the purple lifts will actually work though, so good job, gonna...
Nobody ever signed up for them :(
Syncing was damn near perfect which I liked but, color correction was horrible, sorry. It's just something where you either get it right, or its...
Too be honest, Im not very excited for this. I would have much rather continued on with a story of Aang. Albeit, I will end up watching this.
Map name: Marigold. Author name: Resix (B Resix) Download link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Preferred gametype: One flag CTF. [IMG]...
My map is looking pretty spiffy at the moment, well some parts are....
Just starting my map, wish me luck!
Zatherla you over looked my application.
I haven't been on all day but I'll message you when I get on tomorrow. I've actually spruced up the map quite a bit, fixed some line of sight...