i suggest you look at forging 101 for that. anyways this map looks great. i like the merging and interlocking thats done here. a bit different...
the only thing the gh series had to differentiate it from rock band was it's single player gameplay. rock band was more of get your friends...
glad to see you have the pics up. the map looks clean and nicely interlocked but a bit plain. try adding more cover/scenery. btw please change the...
i was really impressed with #10. i too was disappointed with the last one.
welcome to forgehub ACSR glad to see you joined. if you need any tips on forge i suggest you look at forging 101 to learn new forge tricks. hope...
well i'm not. for your one of your first map posts this looks great. my only complaint is the lack of cover. it seems you might want to add a bit...
great interlocking tex. the u shape structure looks amazing and so does the sniper tower. great job tex
that bridge upstairs over the river looks great. i like your use of interlocking. good job
there have been others with a similar idea but your version looks cleaner and improved. kudos on that. good job
well that was before barkus. looks like a challenging obstacle course. good job
looks really good. nice interlocking . btw it too reminded me of pallet parade
that hand appearing is just brilliant. also that screenshot batty for v.2 is hilarious. great job. truly unique
that charge picture made me laugh. btw aqua blade is my favorite. great pics
i lol at the part where he's calling the cops
whats keeping the humans from going off the track? nice idea though
definitely one of your best maps sweman. nice use of interlocking. but whats behind the play area. in the last pic i see a shield door and a...
your interlocking looks good and your idea of zombies spawning with 10 second invisibility is something i haven't seen before. good job
looks pretty good for a first post here. the obstacles appearing over time sounds good. overall 7/10 good job. btw welcome to forgehub :)
lloks good. interlocking seems to be used well. btw this should be moved to casual games if i'm correct. other than that good job
yes it does look calm. great pic btw. the clouds in the back are a great addition to the pic