woah ^ really right. great pic. made me lol
awesome. that chicken wins. the part that really made me laugh was the beginning where theres chickens singing in squares. lol
1st pic is very bright lol but good. 2nd pic looks interesting. but good pics none the less
i really like the way this looks. nice use of interlocking. the pallet bridge looks good as well. before anyone says it would be easy to jump out...
wait i see interlocking here. am i watching the same pics as you guys? looks clean IMO. the only suggestions i would give to make your map even...
your opinion of course. they did make gh but knockoff? seriously. gh series was more of a single player experience. harmonix wanted to bring your...
interlocking isn't necessary in a map. anyways i like the way this looks and looks pretty good since you didn't. good job
ah is it a obstacle course? it sure sounds like one. i see you interlocked which is good . from what i can tell from the pics some areas look like...
gh3 tyrant not gh2. but thats crazy he FCd(full combo) ttfaf. i always fail at 81%. wow i still can't believe it
yeah that house looks very nicely done. very clean. i like it. good job
please change the title of your thread to your maps name only. the map looks like a challenge. good job
may i say this looks very well made. i love the way the base in the 1st pic looks like. nice use of interlocking. good job
i can see clocktower in this remake which means you did a good job remaking it. looks very clean and i like your truck area where the boomshot...
i absolutely loved i am legend . for me that gametype/map really changed infection matches. it felt like a different game IMO. i have a feeling...
wow that is just great. can't wait for the movie judging from the script. i know the story and plot is going to be awesome but my question still...
from what i can tell from the pic and description you just threw a very lucky grenade right on time before you were hit by the spLaZer. awesome
video games are my favorite
hidden areas that are optional that are faster ways of getting to a certain place than the general path. or hidden areas idk
looks very clean and nice use of interlocking. i really like the way the map looks. good job
IMO i think i wasted my money on the ps3. it hardly has any exclusives except for a few like killzone and that little planet game(forgot actual...