Alright so im working on a map on ghost town and i tried this glitch with the barricade but, it didnt work. I tried multiple times to see if i had...
I understand what shiruken is getting at. Hes trying to say that alot of people need someone powerful to tell them not to be a bad person, in...
Sucks i dont have shield doors dream. but so far, i havent needed them once. Alrthough were i am right now, i kinda do. But ill find a way around...
sorry brave, dont really think thats gonna work because i was hoping it would be done by then. Now that you mention it, i think your right i...
What? i dont really understand, i was trying to say that they should have had songs that were on the disks that you didnt have to buy, you had to...
Im actually really pissed. I only rented it, but i absolultey love the beatles. I played the story today expecting to unlock some more of the...
i agree with everyone else, cant really tell you how good it is if thats all there is. But The aesthetics definatley look good, i really like the...
Hey guys, i was working on this map a month ago ALOT, so i kinda got tired of forging. After a break, i realize how close i really am to finishing...
I think its Dutch, because hes the one with the splaser, and thats by far my favorite weapon. Rookie is definatley second though, for reasons...
I'll probably just play firefight alot until i get bored, then do the campaign. I dont really know yet though.
Wow this looks intense. Ive wanted to do a d9 remake ever since i saw the movie, but from the description it sounds like this will be alot more....
Hey dude, welcome to forgehub. Alright make sure you read this. You need to have at least one picture in your post, or it will be locked in 24...
The one base that we can see from the pictures looks really cool. I dont know why but the colored columns just look really really cool. Also im...
You three are amazing, this is just brilliant. After 2 years of forging people still find ways to make it easier. this is the way forging should...
This is the reason people will be hating. It doesnt look neat, it has very sharp corners and looks like the same thing over and over and over.... This is a link to your previous post of this map, please do not clog the...
1Z4N0 SL4Y3R is a jerk. He spams. On to the map, i gotta agree with some of the people the "motel" looks really nice and good locking(which is a...
It looks like its comin along nicely, cant wait for you to release it. But why did you write that down at the bottom? that really kinda pisses me...
Dude that video is sweet. look at the medal at 1:26 ive never seen it before. also cant wait for this game now, gold hunters sounds tight
Dude im sorry but alot of people would do that. as long as its cheep people WILL do it whether it ruins the game or not. The human base does...