Nah dude, DARE is definaley gonna be one you have to unlock, the Rookie will probably be there when you buy the game. And ya i think they should...
dude what is that picture in your sig? its freakin beast
dude thats beast, wonder how many achievements i can get on the first day. Im getting really excited for the release of ODST now, i mean if its by...
Oh sweet, i was a great fan of enclosed but one thing i hated about it was the red column window on the second story, because you couldnt see down...
Ya, i know a few people in real life who i saw playing online. The guy probably got it off the internet, which is illegal and not a good idea...
Pretty intense, i really liked your first one although at first i really didnt see the point of making a second one. But now i see the light, its...
ya same here psycho, im driving to gamestop right after school
dude thats awesome! I dont know why but i REALLY like this shot. I think the only thing bad about it would be the trail of the laser but still, it...
That prize is awesome, my brother needs a GT. Ill probably make a map for this someday. seems like the template is a bit random tho
Dude happy brithday man, and on my birthday i got to spend 8grand on a used car that i bought from my grand dad! lucky me! I shouldnt be...
I dont know dude... It would be pretty tight if you had to kill a scarab during a hard wave. I hope its in firefight cuz that would be fun as hell
Wow this is actually pretty sweet, great find Hope you can do all the changes in the game, also recharger? wtf?
I truly dont care, as long as the gameplay is solid, the aesthetics are good and its just really fun i will download anything. Besides if it...
Wow thanks for the great comment dude i hope you like it. Ive tested this out with multiple people and they all liked it. The only complaint i...
Dude this is looking pretty good, hopefully this turns out to be a good map, its doing good so far. I dont know why but this idea just popped to...
oh woops forgot to mention that let me go edit my post bout how godly i am at forging. And yes ghost merging was fun on ghost town. Ya thats...
[IMG] Alright so Ive been working on this ghost town map for quite a while now, and i finally think its done. Its a 1v1 map and its pretty...
Looks pretty intense im not gonna lie. Im really liking this tournament, alot of good 1v1 maps are being made and that makes me verrryyy happy. Im...
haha that was pretty good, i gotta try that some day
oh sweet i loved this map when i dled it along time ago. It was really fun for an MLG map, especially when i hate MLG maps. This is certainly...