Hahaah wow thats pretty badass, hopefully some people with really creative minds will put this to good use. Good find man!
I love this idea and all of these conquest maps are just amazing. It would be great to see any of them in matchmaking, and i hope it eventually...
Wow i never even knew that you lost experience for quitting. Well that sucks balls. I think your option B idea is brilliant and bungie should do...
Wow this is just pure epic, i really cant wait to get a game on this tommorow. Normal grifball got boring a few months ago, hopefully water polo...
Try going here to learn how to embed your images. You have to figure it out within 24 hours or your tread will be locked. PM me if you need any...
Dude this is really tight, i downloaded it and even though it got boring fast the concept is amazing. I hope some people make some maps with this...
Wow this must have taken forever. Good job on this and hope it will help people out in the future. Also i agree with everyone else in saying that...
Ahhhh, so this is the one you made. Well thankfully mine is still really different from your and Joe's ideas. This does look really similar to...
About the wideness, i couldnt do much with how small the resources i had but i tried as best as i could. It really didnt effect gameplay much at...
Damn, im working on an infection map right now thats sorta like this. Well you did a really good job and it looks really good. Ill have to...
[IMG] Alright this is the newest map ive been working on for the past two weeks. I finished it a few days ago, but wanted to make sure i got...
Ya aaronator i was actually thinking about that. But the problem is the humans could still kill the zombie(because they have shotty) and the...
Well thats disappointing, i had a great map idea but i need the initial zombie count to be way more. Oh well hopefully ill find a solution. Great...
I really like ODST variant games so im dling now. Hopefully ill be able to get a good game on it and give constructive criticism. What i can tell...
Wow this looks impressive, Im really liking how the layout is like guardian. But also it looks like it has a much different feel. This is a very...
Im gonna be fully honest, when i saw the post i really didnt think it looked to great. But everyone was saying it was really fun so i dled it and...
Dude thank you so much for this, i tried doing it and we were at the very end and we lagged out. Im not going to do that achievement for a while...
Jellofish, im pretty positive that you just completley necro-posted this, and i dont really like the name either. It was a last minute thing, i...
Wow this map is already out and i gotta say the aesthetics look incredible. Im gonna dl this thing and give it a forge through. Probably wont be...
Probably firefight, then 3 new maps, next would be campaign, then just the fact that your not master chief, but a soldier. I think that will make...