I was playing on this with my friends today and it just didnt work too well. It seemed like you would randomly just sink, it didnt matter if you...
Thank you very much Death yoyo but i actullay did that last night and it worked! thanks for explaining how it worked though
Well the reason i did it like that is because there have been many cave maps released lately and i didnt want the gameplay to be only in the...
To my best knowledge the valley is completley inescapable. Every time ive tested it no one has been able to get out. Wow i completley forgot to...
Map name: Valley Number of players: 8-14 Forgehub Thread [IMG]
Alright this is my submission to the Hub of the Dead contest. The humans start in the valley while the zombies start in the caves. The zombies go...
Wow this looks like the greatest entry so far. I was just about to post mine but yours almost makes me not want to. Great job and good luck with...
Hmm that might be it. Although i dont think so because none of them ever started on a respawn point. Or maybe they did, i dont know ill check when...
No, one round they all spawned on one side and then the next they all spawned on the opposite side
Alright so ive been testing my entry to the hub of the dead contest and the starting points arent working the way i hoped. For my map there are...
I dont think anyone DIDNT see this one coming. The aesthetics are original the gameplay is top notch and it is definitely one of my favorite...
Ya there arent any power weapons but i originally had a sniper. After some testing though i just really didnt like it
No man its got 7 look in the drawing. Plus i forgot to mention that this is going under major recunstruction. I got a few pointers from pros so...
haha dude you cant pick up that camo because it is more than half merged into the cube. It serves as a team indicator, and it adds more to...
This is pretty tight and your map pack is a great idea, but eventually it will get old and people wont enjoy it that much. I dont know tho maybe...
Sure, i certainly want my map reviewed Its a 1v1 map on ghost town: Depot 124
I was wondering, have you already talked to bungie and them say they said they would look into it or are you just hoping that they will listen?...
Wow the aesthetics on this map is top notch. I really like all of your structure ideas. From the post it seems like the weapon placement might not...
Welcome to forgehub Go here for a tutorial on how to embed your pictures. You have to figure it out within 24 hours or your tread will be locked....
hahah wow this is amazing. Greatest pic i have ever seen