Super sad face. I'm not mentioned at all in the thread, and the game was based off of one of my ideas! I'm going to go cry now. *Wipes tears...
First one. It has much more potential than the second.
I don't think you know this yet, and I'm sorry for ruining part of your game in the case that you don't know, but turning indicators off does not...
I'm sure several of you have heard of my game Tactical Corps (it used to be called Squad Tactics). If you haven't, or would just like a refresher,...
Well, I typed out a nice reply, but I lost it, then I did it again, and I lost that one as well. I hate slow, old computers! The map is a lot of...
I have got to say that that is one of the most brilliant stories I've ever heard. I had a great old time reading it. And I'm even more amazed that...
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure an idea almost exactly like this has been made already. It's cool that you were able to come up...
lolol I understand
I am sad because I am in love with a girl who I believe contemns me. This is not because that is the normal thing to do, it is because I have been...
The pictures in Phone is on hold too are back up.
Hey guy.
I downloaded and played a game on the map. It went well at first, but then we came to a game-ending realization. You created the ring of monotony...
Nice guide. I heard about mongooses making the dinghies drivable if there was a second person on back, but I didn't know any of the details or...
These kinds of maps are way overdone. They are especially sloppy (many places for grenades and spartans to slip through the cracks). You should...
Yeah. I've seen this scene in three different threads, and now that I see the skull, it only looks even more awesome.
And it's already Stickied! Congrats. Now get those anchor links done Nao!
I'm glad you put teletapping into the dictionary. And yes, you should achor all of the entries as soon as possible. You should add No-Clip Merging...
I actually made one of these yesterday, which is when I discovered it messing around with golf balls on one of Jacster's maps. Your version, which...