I have finished the preliminary outfitting of Jupiter Jazz to play the gametypes: Headhunter, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball,...
There is no link. It is just a preview. Did you even read the text?
The entire playable outside (lowered gravity, in space, above the giant shield door) area of the map is open to play on. If you enter the actual...
Jupiter Jazz is the first map I am making in Halo Reach. It uses a concept that I do not think anyone else knows about. The upper low gravity...
This was a fun the time I played it with you. Crazy and chaotic to say the least. Now all you need to do is get multiple bombs in it.
If I remember right, when the sudden death started, my team was leading by one point (I think it was 8-7). Then we started doing really badly, and...
Okay. I just played it. A couple first thoughts. The gauss hog is actually much more difficult to use than I thought it would be. That was...
Well doesn't this just look like a barrel of monkeys? Seriously though, it looks like quite a bit of fun. On a moderately unrelated side note,...
Not that I've actually played the game, but a kill ball seems a bit harsh. If players have limited lives in either of the modes (if this was...
Nice post. I'm surprised it wasn't posted on FH a while ago, considering how old a game it is. And of course, it is really quite fun. I can't...
Yeah, and there's only one custom powerup! I say we riot!
Oh, I'm sorry. I see what you mean. That was my bad. I just worded that part of my post horribly. I'm surprised you're the first person to notice...
to the guy who made the necropost about the map being escapable, thanks for that information. I really needed to know just how gamebreaking it is...
I agree with Meta. It is a very good idea. Almost like a fusion of Gauntlet and Duck Hunt in which every player gets a chance to be The...
Necropost. It's just a trait of the double boxes on Avalanche. If you're inside one, it's walls become invisible barriers that you can shoot...
Awesome! Well, we have lower arm armour. In the supplied picture, the shotgun spartan also has a different belt piece. I'm guessing left lower...
Puh hum. necropost? You have to actually work to escape the map. The only person you hurt when you do so is yourself. You don't get any points....
I'd rather just buy a lone console.... that is, unless you want to buy the accessories from me.
no. Stick to the current theme. Just make it more... interesting.
Yeah. :c If they were only $100 retail, I would just buy an arcade at gamestop, but they're not.