Yesterday I gave y'all Countdown gameplay, today I give y'all Boardwalk gameplay!...Well, I guess technically IGN gives you Boardwalk gameplay, I...
IGN recently added this clip to their collection of Reach videos. I personally didn't watch the whole thing because I already know so much, and I...
Here is the latest Live-Action trailer for Halo Reach; I believe it's the extended version of the Live-Action trailer at Gamescom. This video was...
So this guy modded his xbox to give it an Iron Man look. He did an amazing job and the coolest part about it is the replica of Tony Starks chest...
If this has been posted before, my bad. I personally think that the Focus Rifle is garbage. It's so different from the Sniper Rifle that I...
First things first, I did a quick scan to see if this has been posted before and didn't see anything. If it has been then this thread should be...
MLG Backlash Created by Skisma Supported Gametypes: All Gametypes Recommended Gametypes: MLG TS, MLG CTF, MLG KOTH, MLG Ball Weapons: -Rocket...
Below are two screenshots of an MLG map I'll be releasing tomorrow around this time(If I can come up with a name). The map is symmetrical and...
I have some amazing gametype ideas involving The Flood in Halo: Reach. I understand that they don't get unleashed until after Reach gets...
Technically, this is game related so I hope this thread doesn't get moved/closed. I'm looking for a capturing device that supports component...
I'm just wondering if it is possible to change my username without making a new account. If so, then how? I recently changed my gamertag to...
It has been confirmed that the first footage of Halo: Reach will be featured on Spikes VGA awards on December 12, 2009. The trailer may or may not...
Okay so basically the whole point of this thread is to do two things. 1) Make friends with people who appreciate all of the hard, decicated work...
Barren Creek Created by xX BtR Chaos Xx Supported Gametypes: All gametypes Map Description Barren Creek is a very accurate remake of the Halo...
First of all the only reason i'm posting this here is because for some reason it would'nt let me in the "halo forge maps" section so forgehub...
Ok so i tried forging 101's "Creating a map without worrying about the item limit" and it doesnt work! Ive tried everything and it still doesnt...
Im interlocking double boxes for my floor, i make sure they are perfectly straight, then i save and quit the game, when i start it back up they...
For any of you guys at home can you go to and tell me if there is an update or anyhting about the mythic maps...I would really...
I dont know what Im doing wrong! I am making my floor out of double boxes, and I interlock them perfectly straight and smooth. Everything looks...
Eradication If you like this map then you should help me make it big, I'll return the favor Supported Gametypes Anything! Weapons Battle...