yeah. I tried that but it felt kind of weird :P still its a pretty good idea and im going to try that one more time ^^ thanks
I just finished my invasion map so far that it was ready for testing and have already improved it alot. but I have one problem that I dont know...
dude, you need some pictures on your thread so ppl can see how the map looks like before they DL. and also its the forum rules
I dont really get this thread. you need to add pictures and a descriptopn of the map if you want ppl to DL it. and if you dont the thread will be...
I've added you now. the first version is now finished with spawns and all. and now I need to test it. so anyone who wants to help me test it just...
yeah. but I think it might work now. and if your going to check out the map I've put on my file share recently that is the invasion map Im...
now the first version of the map is done ^^ add my gt and we can have a go ;P
I've been making my first Invasion map and I have alot of trouble with the spawnings. It kind of worked when I used the hillmarkers to make...
Im not finished with my Invasion map yet. need to fix spawning and stuff. but when its done we can play it ^^
This happened to me all last week. I was hosting a customs party and could not change gametypes or maps. I was stuck on the random one it gave me...
yeah I see what you mean. In the map I'm making now is designed to only have vehicles in the first phase and the 2 other is inside the base so I...
thanks guys :) I knew it was a good idea to post this on fh, alot of ppl who knows what they are doing and are passionate about forging. If anyone...
yeah I know its a bit chunky topic and also thats why I wanted some opinions ^^ thanks for all the tips, I believe they will help me alot with...
Hi fellow forgers! I'm currently making my first invasion map and I am just curios of what you guys here think is needed to make a grrrrreat...
you need to have at least one picture, and even if it wasnt a rule on this site it will make moore ppl DL your map.
Np ^^ just thought it was a good map and wanted to help making it a little better ;P
if you didnt notice this map got double posted. dont know if you can do anything about it now but I dont think thats aloud. with that said I'll go...
Well thats good because I have a couple ^^ I've played this map yesterday with some friends and the Idea of the game is awesome. but there was a...
sure. my GT is the same as user name here ^^
sure ^^ I'll send you an invite next time were both online next time ;P