Oh i am very glad you brought this up. I forgot to mention that yes a grav lift does push the boxes up. It is set to 10 second respawn. After 10...
While building my latest map I ran into a few problems. But firstly I need to tell you about the map. Im building this map for a infection contest...
Wow Diaabolical ive been looking all through the forums for something that looks like a pelican. Yours by far looks the best. Is it ok if I make...
Thank you that does help, although i have just recently though of a new way better idea which will be ready for testing. And Pryo i defiantly see...
There will definitely be more. This is just less than 1/4 of thge map and my initial idea was to have both the humans and the zombies start at...
Is there anyway you can allow for slight editing for the gametype. I really feel like your limiting yourself with Save One Bullet. Weapon pickup...
So as many of you know Ghost G45 has set up a infection competition to see who can make the best infection map. And as it happens ive always...
Sweat. I just thought of the best idea ever. You can count me into the contest
in the thread it says Your map must suit the "Save One Bullet" gametype. Does this mean that it can play other gametypes like brains and if so...
Finally another contest :) only thing is im not sure if I can get it done in 1 month. I haven't even gotten an idea yet. Although im defiantly in...
Thanks for the ideas but im sort of looking for a good place to just start with some ideas then put it to paper
I just got on holidays so I decided I might make a new MLG map. Only problem is im not sure where to start. When you've just stated forging a map...
Yer I think I'll add a few more updated pics of the base. One blurry pic was a bad idea. Is they're anyway u can send me the updated map?
Mlg Formation Preview (updated pics) Mlg Formtion is a 4v4 mlg map co-forged by BraveDave and Given to Fly. It will hopefully support mlg team...
yes, the main bases will go in the corners where there is nothing. So the mid is done and the two purple corners are done unless u want to change...
have you started the map yet? I cant wait to see it finished and play on it
Sweet cant wait to see how the map turns out. It should be on my bros fileshare: Deadlyhandandy. If its not message me back.
hey Given to Fly :) hows the map going?
Thanks dude, people like you make forging worth it
Well thats it everyone. I have chosen to give the project to Given To Fly. Thanks to everyone who offered there help I really didnt think Id get...