I would be happy to make hang em high so sign me up please
Yes I am aware that it is possible to make a treadmill on Halo 3 but the end product is very limited by the amounts of pallets that are available....
Wooden leaf I like the way you think :) . Only problem with putting the ground on such an angle is that if the mongoose driver stops accelerating...
Wise words of wisdom FORTR3SS. And thankyou for your ideas William. Theres nothing worse then playing a map thats Cheatable
Well basically it was just a concept. I hadnt really put thought into what objects I would use because I was sure which ones were movable. I just...
Haha, well said. I didnt think id be getting comments like that so early :)
So I had this idea for Halo 3 forge, to make a massive treadmill where players, using a mongooses or warthogs, must drive against the treadmill in...
srry I didnt get it. I havent played halo for over a month because of exam block. I will definately check it out now
Got anything new on the map? People keep asking me when its coming out
Well as far as forging goes I think the map if finished but I think Given was having problems with the spawns or something like that. To be honest...
Thankyou to everyone who commented. Its really interesting to see everyones views on my map. I am srry to anyone who got the wrong idea from this....
EDIT: to cowboy, I totally agree. Halo forges is a joke. They took my map and claimed it as an aesthetic map with no gametype then spent the next...
So I was just going through all the maps Ive made mainly unfinished ones trying to think of map ideas for reach and I found my old map BlackHole....
Thankyou you so much!! This allows me just enough time to get my map finished and tested. Although I really think more people should get involved...
Just rename it, add a block here and there. No one will ever know :)
Never mind now. I fixed the problems by turning the boxes into dumpstars
Ive been told just today by given that the map will be done before the reach beta which comes out in I think 15 days. How long it takes to test im...
[IMG] Title: BlackHole Info: BlackHole is a extremely fun and addictive map made for people who want to chill out. You must ride around the...
Yer I thought about making the doors 1 crate thick but then the pathway would be too small and could promote camping. I think if all else falls...
Thanks for your help. Maybe taking a look at the map might give you some ideas to solve the problem?