Ive been busy lately so nothing has come of it, and most people didnt seem to think the idea was original or worth doing. But for me I had alot of...
I am disappointed that so many people signed up for the contest yet so few actually submitted there maps... But anyway has the compitition been...
So back in halo 3 I made an infection map where the humans spawned in a room with 4 doors placed around the room. These four doors opened and...
Thankyou for your comment. I can defiantly see what your saying about the roof but it was intentional. I built the roof as high as possible... ^^^ There it is hope you like :)
Thx. I never thought about headhunter, but I guess it could work. Ill let you know if I put this in a later version. The main reason why the map...
Mlg Cellar 1.0 created by MMufasa and BravossDavoss [IMG] Mlg Cellar is an inspired remake of halo 1's map Prisoner. With the help of my friend...
Very nice work. I myself halfmade an infection map where the humans start on a falling lift but I could never figure out how to trigger the crates...
Thankyou for your offer Stevo, I really appreciate it :). Ive decided due to lack of people, that I will cancel testing the map and just get...
Well this is rather rushed but I need a few people to help test out my latest map Cellar. I dont want to go to much into it but its very inspired...
Just wondering how much of the map is judged on accuracy. Like if I was to change the map alot, like delete a whole level of prisoner would i be...
This is a very impressive remake. I only wish I didn't screw my budget up by making those slanted walls :(. I am looking forward to playing this...
This is just an idea, and it probably wont work but if you set the run time min to 1 and max to 2 as previously mentioned one of those fusion...
Well a few days ago I had an idea to make this new gametype for a minigame. In short the idea was for 1 person to spawn in a warthhog with a hill...
^^ I know what you mean, I can defiantly see prisoner failing at 4v4's mainly because of the crappy bases. I was thinking After I finish this map...
Thx guys really hope I can finish this on budget. Im now around 85% complete with just over 1000 budget left. Wish me luck :)
With the new forge and its enormous budget I decided to remake my favorite halo 1 map Prisoner. I originally thought this medium sized map would...
Remember Black hole? Well probably not but I decided it would be fun to remake it in reach but bigger and better. Basically if you never got to...
Actually I think I might have changed my mind. Can you please but me in prisner instead