This is a map idea for a verticaly layed out Conquest map, which would require the use of the Jetpack AA to get from one territory to another....
Then why do they have this in the Forge world ViDoc? from 4:50 into it. If Spartans can't use evade then this makes no sense. [IMG]
Inspired by Jacob Hunter's idea with vertical conquest I came up with this idea for a vertical conquest map in reach, which would utilize the jet...
Nice, your dragon looks hawt. Hehe, I made a pun. on a more serious note I can't wait for you to release your map.
I agree completely, other than that this looks like an extremely fun minigame.
Concerning Ghost Merging I would like to add for anyone who dosen't know/hasn't figured out that turrets are also ghost merge-able, you just need...
Hello to everyone on FH, especially those who are kind enough to take the time to read introductions from new users. I guess that in my...