to keep the mongoose from dying set vehicles to indestructable in the gametype settings. your idea sounds pretty cool, and if you do make this...
thats a long way to go
0.0 whats a scope win. fyi it takes 9991 posts to get 1000 pages in a thread
from what I can see this looks to be a good rendition of ghost town, and your interlocking is very clean. Could you add an overhead picture of...
You can ghost merge them into their positions, which makes it quite easy to place them perfectly.
Ha. dang, only 1 week till school starts for me.
Gamertag: Leo2729 Times you can get on: Farirly often until september. (School starts) Mic yes/no?: Yeah Something describing yourself: I dont...
No, in one of the interviews they said that they didn't. They said it's too difficult for them to be placed in such a way that they look realistic.
On the fh gmc sandbox canvas (This one), the objects which allow for easy merging are set to no/never in their properties. Could anyone tell me...
Congratulations on the Feature, this map is extremely fun to play 2v2 and is a farily accurate remake of a very large map.
I agree with torque on the subject of why cartograph was saying forge 2.0 was too easy. I for one though am going to enjoy the heck out of it,...
Wow. thats a great idea. Having never played that game I don't have anything to add gameplay wise, but, concerning your ground path vs the air...
That's soooo cool. that would be such a hard puzzle to figure out.
Thats very true, but all that I was pointing out was that it is technically fully automatic, I didn't say that shooting it fully automatic was a...
Since this thread is concerning death barriers, I have a very hard to answer question to ask of you all. If you have 2 soft barriers ( the 10...
Needle rifle semi or fully automatic Actually the Needle Rifle is (can be) fully automatic, it just dosen't fire as accurately. This is...
The Purple FX makes it look like it's night. Here it is before he selects the filter: [IMG] And here it is after he selects the filter: [IMG] I...
All in for an urban forge map DLC, I'd totally remake headlong. Lolz, no one has voted for dessert, which I totally agree with. I'm sooooo sick...
That's a really neat idea, and I bet that it would work really well with Reach and the scale of Forge world would make for really epic battles,...