he doesn't mean the green FX, he means the green light. Objects > Gadgets > Lights. And in your post for forgotten treasures, you have to make it...
In Halo 3, you could set that the initial zombie every round is random, victor, loser, etc. I cannot find this option in Reach. All help would be...
your work isn't being lost, its just a glitch, and it happened to me before. im not sure what i did, i think i either went into matchmaking for a...
There are no dumpsters...
I'm going to assume right off the bat that Safe Haven is like any other default infection gametype. But what is so different about it? I was...
It does work, i've done it before
i wouldnt know how to help you, but next time don't double post, just edit the original
go to advanced object options on the warthog and figure out which label makes it the hill
ignore this reply
Nice looking map, really reminds me of good ol' sandtrap infection, might dl
looks cool, like the concept, but I think the idea of 1 hit zombies died a long time ago, because of how one sided it becomes. after all, its...
you need to create the loadouts in the gametype options
Actually, in Reach you can set the Maximum to be LOWER than the Minimum. What you wanna do is this: 1. The Fusion Coil that will be destroyed:...
Using either phased or fixed should make it work, since you said it doesn't, you'll just have to play around with it.
replace the 8 sender teles with one with the area of effect larger, so that it looks better, and so that if you do hit the jump perfect, you don't...
You could have grav lifts that have boxes set to normal, but you would have to get creative with it, possibly needing a kill barrier at a certain...
You didn't search the site before posting. There are several threads on this topic. Check the stickies, one of them says Forge Required Objects,...
Increase health/shields and make player damage higher, so they balance out.
Can't you (technically) change the color of the walls? and from looking at the pic, it looks like theres a blue light (change to green?) and im...
Looks pretty decent, some criticisms: 1. Shield doors. Like what you did with the drop, very creative, did NOT like the shield door gates at the...