Will you bury my ashes where they can't be found?
Oh gosh no. Your family is what made of you today! There really isn't a reason to be. I'll admit that my sister is the outcast in the family, but...
Dang TDH. That's amazing. I showed my art teacher your last one and she said it was fake. I said whatever. You're really good at drawing.
Lawl! Small *****.
I agree, but that's also just you're town. So meh.. It was good; could there be better? Yes.
:o! I didn't think it was overrated. I thought it was just great. I don't really get the plot of the second one, though.
Whoa!!! That thing is... huge! I don't think they'd include it because of 1) I don't think they could make something that big 2) Unbalanced?
Oh. Which one was Tidal Wave? I pretty much stopped watching transformers (Cartoon), After the animal series, and I didn't follow up on all the...
I saw the trailer last night. I am soooo pumped for this. Too bad its not for 3 months. 6-24 is when it's released. Anyone else going to be...
I completely support, and would help if needed.
5-Starring all of GH2's Hard Career. ****ing carry me home. Im stuck on it. Got 2k from starring it. I gave up. I also find the 'kick the bucket'...
V.I.P. + Infection. I don't know what'd I'd call it, but you must save your vip from the zombies, and if you die, you get infected, etc etc.
Less than three, O-M-G, love computer fantasy! Meet me here on IRC L-O-L-O-L
I Lol'd so hard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1Mh115sj4w
That's beautiful diz. Great work. That second sig.. is... um...not good. ;p. too... noobish i guess? Don't really know how to put it.
Nah. I dont like penguins
I got RROD a while ago, so i sent it in. Literally just got it back 2 days ago and have been drowned with tests and the usual school ****. >.<...
Yes you can. This probably isn't the proper spot to post your thread, but rather in customer service. IF you have a suggestion, also post it in there.
Okay, sorry for asking. But I really do not get this math. _________ Every right triangle has two acute angles. In the right triangle at the...
[IMG] Is my fav version. Not bad, dont really like the lines behind her arms.