Anyone heard about this? Came across it today. Man it looks like the ****. Wow x3.. Just looks crazy if you ask me. Could be really good, could be...
Thats who nyhmm is!! I seriously stared at my friends list for like an hour saying.. who the hell is that.. Anyway im kinda in a pickle.. want...
Thats really cool man. Its a gem in some of the sigs ive seen lately on this site ;D.. Keep making em.. Im not quite sure where the focal is...
I said marry me!
Listen well will you marry me?
Hey juggs! long time eh? @ the sig. The whole orange and blue/green is totally contradicting. The light orange C4D looks out of place. Other than...
whoa what lol?
you havin troubles downloading the new patch?
Okay, some things to think about( I didn't read every post). I'm an avid World of Warcraft player. Your concepts look pretty nice. I don't really...
im only 13 haircuts are ovverrrated
Filter>Distort>Displace... That count? Really helpful when it comes to fast smudging and giving GREAT effects.
Its an rpg.... Its kind of hard to twll u what to do. You can do a 10 say trial for free, otherwise it costs 15$ a month
Sooo I bought WoW today, I get home, and I put in the disc. 40 minutes later, at 98% downloaded I get this crap.. It says its failed. Its happened...
Did she scream enough to make you cry?
oo kk.
Very good stuff man. Amazing kills. I wasn't really fond of the editting, it was.. too chopppy... I don't know how else to describe it... but....
You're completely right. I love you, entirely. People are blowing this WAY outta proportion. Its just the ****ing flu! No difference, has the same...
The thing with the resizing is the "66%" is the amount of zoom you have on the picture. I don't remember what you do to resize it, cause I lost my...
Check ur space my