this is PETA, theyre not that intelligent. besides, what would it be a metahpor for, dogfighting?
see: just ignore it man. if some people decide they dont want to buy it anymore because of something dumb, then who cares? it doesnt affect...
i thought the carbine killed fastest if you hit every shot, even after the nerf. which would make sense
valhalla is in halo 4, where have you been? and meltdown looks like a good old fashioned 'hoggin map, my favorite kind. i have to say im most...
that was far from every piece of armor in the game, they only showed like 4 helmets man. it was just a short "walkthrough" of what the armory...
are you saying tombstone is the worst map in all of halo? and are you joking?
he took like 9 or 10 shots and only hit 4 of them...
yeah, valhalla heavies had 2 banshees, 2 scorpions, 2 wraiths, 4 hogs, and 4 geese, as well as a splaser at each base and rockets in the middle i...
true vault hunter mode has been tough as **** so far. my first playthrough i hardly ever really had any trouble, but so far in TVH ive had to kind...
wow dude youre a **** haha
yeah there could be one small delete-able piece, like on sandbox.
i mean its possible, but its also possible that they could give us toilets or ceiling fans or fuzzy purple couches as forge objects. it just...
because 1) we already saw the ravine forge objects, and theyre forerunner. we could possibly have an option to switch the palette, but i doubt it....
sorry man, but no, youre not. use your eyes. none of it looks like pieces put together, it looks like a single structure. im not positive about...
im not saying i know exactly what the map is, but im pretty sure i can say its clearly human when i can use my eyes and see that it is. i can say...
they werent playing split screen. thats when the problems really show. it was really hard to play a split screen custom game on a forged map in...
id say its more likely that its similar to the coliseum on sandbox (one small way in covered by a single forge piece, and a larger space outside)...
how do you know its made of forge pieces? it doesnt really look like it to me. and the grates/vents on the floor, as well as the lights on the...
whenever i click "texture packs" minecraft crashes. it never used to do this, does anyone know what could possibly be the problem?
the grifball map is definitely not part of ravine, its clearly a human structure. if it is a separate forge map and not just something they made...