Killer Instinct would be so amazing. And i dont understand why some people have to try so hard to be negative. I dont really see much of a...
if you can bench 250 and squat over 500 at 160 pounds without regularly doing those exercises or freeweights in general then you must be some sort...
doubt it. he's been in that armor for five years, of course hes gonna take it off now that he has the chance.
it isnt going to be anything like any other TES game. Theyre just using the brand and making a completely different kind of game. kinda like halo...
a new suit and some ties a bunch of other clothes xbox controller DKR headphones portable speakers leather iphone case candy 2 hundy cash more...
I also thought blops 1 was one of the best in the series. but blops 2 is easily the worst for me. its the first cod i've played where i just dont...
why go back to reach when you can go back to halo 3 and actually have fun?
where is that "V" stuff sold? i'd like to taste some purple plasma but i dont recognize the brand
im not talking about since the days of the atari, im talking about in the last few years. since around 06-07, physical gaming product sales have...
no, it wont be. the gaming industry has been steadily declining over the past few years. if the big companies want to keep it alive, they need to...
its not a rank, its just top score. doesnt really matter at all
thats how it is already
i hate how long it takes to unlock decent gear in this game. i cant stand not having ghost, plus theres no decent AR until level 28, and then it...
thats not even remotely the same.
you really dont think its OP for a secondary weapon?
all I want is the believe stance
well any xbox game automatically has a 4 player splitscreen maximum, you can only connect 4 controllers to one xbox
i played tons of 4 player split screen in halo 3. those customs were just so good
how would they have nerfed anything? there hasn't been any updates yet, have there?
it really doesn't take much skill at all to time, as I said before. and I'm talking more about when I have most of my shields still, and the other...