Thanks. I will work on a few walls for the next version. I am glad that you like this map. It's my first big one, and my first to post here.
Void [IMG] Description Void is an asymmetrical map, with two main rooms, and several tunnels branching off. The tunnels are crazy, and are...
This is THE best Ascension remake EVAR!!!! I have a few that I've downloaded, but this is the very best yet. In fact, I just recently played this...
Dude, this instantly reminded me of a CoD4 map. This looks sick, and is one of the coolest urban maps I've seen yet! And that includes Turf!!...
I came when I saw this, dude. I think the community is finally starting to produce epic maps on Sandbox, like Foundry now! I really love the way...
Wow, this is the first Crypt map that I really like. Good job! I also agree with TurretFrog, it looks like Hang 'Em High! I love you for this, but...
OMG, I meant 4.5/5! I'll edit that now. I feel idiotic. =,(
Wow, I had just played Halo CE over at my friend's house, and was thinking "It's about time someone makes a remake of this on Sandbox!" And now...
Dude, this is epic. Too bad I couldn't be there when you playtested it. Sorry dude :[ 4.5/5
Whoa, what the? Oh, cool, thanks! I'm sorry I haven't been able to get on, for some reason, this site wouldn't load. Anyways, thanks!
Wow, this looks very good. I like how it looks like a castle, and the overall, it feels very good. I like how the anti-camping feature with the...
No, mods is short for moderators.
I think it deserved to get featured a long time ago too, but everyone is taking what I said out of context. Someone mentioned that the mods were...
hai paramour
Why do people keep saying I was saying that? I was only asking if that was true!!
I ran through this yesterday(I didn't have enough people to do a full game) and I have to say, this is a very cool map! I love how well you...
Wow, these maps look really good! I think that the one that's not geo-merged/interlocked actually looks pretty good. It does seem to look like a...
I suggest adding some cover and some structures out in the open, and go over to Forging 101 for some help with some of you buildings. Add on to...
I got on H2 the other day, but I didn't see infection, or Zombies. Anyways, Infection isn't necessarily just Infection anymore. It's changed a lot...
40-Legendary Brawl(that was such a pain in the ass) 37-Lone Wolves I guess I do best in FFA. Weird, I never would have guessed.