I'm not particularly familiar with the map in question, but you should be able to replicate the movable blockades with the wealth of movable...
Each of those objectives are set up for individual game types. They all appear during a forge session, but can only be set for specific games if...
This is both funny and sad for me. Funny because I had already created a Clue map on Reach, but I didn't believe a successful gametype was going...
Yeah, I'll agree with ya on that. The first handful are actually pretty boring.
I guess that means I just suck then. :(
Jetpack in the skyyyyy [IMG] I can jump twice as hiiigh [IMG] Zoom on in, blue team's campin' [IMG] The Halo Rainbooow [IMG] dedledlee [IMG]...
I just about always go with Sprint (or evade if applicable). I'm not so great with Armor Lock because I forget to use it in heated situations, and...
SPOILERS MAYBE (probably not) I believe I have found what the farmer said had killed his son in the field. [IMG] FYI: This part only works on...
You can't hide behind the world. [IMG]
Lol do you remember the map review with Linu? Fun times.
Ah, fixed my disc tray and played some very exciting games on Powerhouse. Averaged 1663 and got 1677 on this game. Bungie.net : Reach : Game...
Nah, they don't remember what happened to my account, but I just sent a message to Predicide, maybe he can sort things out. Anyway, what's...
Lolz I tried, noone could remember.
I was just wondering if you could go on the Ghosts of Onyx and see if they could re-activate my account. I have no idea what happened to it. I...
nvm brah.
Grab their arms and make them hit themselves, meanwhile asking seriously "Why are you hitting yourself?" Push them down a flight of stairs....
1608 is the highest I've gotten, although I don't know what division I'm in and I can't check it since my disc tray broke. And I've had higher...
Oh look, it's Herculi Beta. Oh boy.
Oh look, it's White Hypothesem. Oh boy.
Could you downsize it for me, or just use your hat and place a hat onto it?