that pick is of my desktop and the 1 thru 10 rating system
um. look:
i think you can change the rating. that explains why my ratings have dropped....
actually, it is a rating scale between 1 and 10 now. there was an update. you phail
well i know who blaze is, so i can rate his / urs that way. p.s. thanks for rating 10 stars (in advance) u know u want to :P
umm... how bout u rate them, or i rate urs bad!! jk, thats pretty mean
wow man, thanks! ur, like, a beast forger, and it means alot to me when someone like u calls me their favorite race track designer. especially...
thanks for the review! glad you like it! I think it is actually my easiest race track of them all. but then again, i am a ridiculously good...
really? i find this track to be the easiest out of all of them. What part is the hardest? its prolly the jump after the ski slope, huh?
thanks dog. make sure u rate at cuz the new rating system starts u out at a 50% and im only at a 63% glad u like. have u raced all...
yes you guessed right. And i made it decently hard, just to make it a challenge and therefore, more fun. Hope you like it, dont get too...
you're the first person to realize that i named it from the avenged sevenfold song. it is a great song, its has to be my fav right now and i was...
well it looks pretty good. kinda cluttered. the top part with the ramps and the shield door scenery and the interlocked platforms are the best....
there are teleporters at all the parts where you fall the most. when you fall off, look around you and you should see a teleporter nearby. you...
oh ya. now i remember
AFTERLIFE Overview:[img] By Bam3214, the creator of: [img] (click pic to go to hurricane post) Description: This is a ROLLER COASTER...
umm hi. now what are you talking about?
dude you are killing me with these 2 word responses. if a mod (or someone who hates spam) sees this you're gonna get an infraction for spam. I...
then you should check out my race track Airborne which is a race track dedicated to jumps. its really fun and just as good as my other race tracks...
send me an FR nub