yup. i have a rare out door computer terminal
because its 30 degrees out....... burrrr!
PHAIL!!! you cant come back like that! using my diss ISNT a comeback!!!!
its a deadly disease that i infected u with. kinda like how ur mom gave me aids
hey. know what? we could be...... FRIENDS!!! omg what an amazing idea!
ummmm.... perhaps u missed the [/sarcasm] ?
oh. thanks i feel so much better now. [/sarcasm]
yah. so u owe me moniez
ummmmm, no. because u phail so hard it went off the meter and broke. and that last comment is a perfect example...
this looks very cool and fun to play on. good geomerging and interlocking. you coulda done a little better with the overview pics because i cant...
well, thanks to that comment, it just broke. way to go....
um. you just have what looks to be a mass of power weapons in each base. That's generally frowned upon except in infection, and even then, in...
hmmmmm. according to my scaleometer, you're still phailing, but u've moved into the 'no chance of recovery' phail category.
no, u phailed along time ago. and still continue to fail
or u could realize that u fail.
go for it. then take off ur jacket to make a bridge and walk over it....
lets not resort to second grader tactics. You fail. go cry me a river. build a bridge and get over it.
yup. u = phail
actually, if u look at when i first responded to mastar (u using his account?) i said to go rate at bungie.net. you epic phail
*pic i mean