as long as everyone sees that your the one who wont fight.
I never said I'd start it, i just said i'd own u in it. im not gonna start it because "well he started it!" is my line, and i already have it...
well i cant go on during the week, either. thats all i meant. but if u wanna start something, i'd be glad to own u again in another verbal...
wow. guess we both fail then. but u more
k. but i prolly wont be getting on. got alot of HW to do
IF i get on tonight, i'll be on at like 9
i just needed ideas and some general-overall help with my map
i came on last night and it said u went offline 20 minutes before. >_<
you are lying. I know the guy who made this. He made it a long time ago and he showed me it before he posted it, which was maybe a month ago....
Well it didnt seem to be to fun by just looking at the pictures, but after reading the description, (one of the 1st i've actually read lol) it...
me and the guy who made gold rush are friends actually. i'll be on later tonight, srry my FL is full, i will remove some1 right now and add u....
hey, i need help with making a map. can u help? i promise its a good map. is ur GT the same as ur profile?
ummm.... wow. look at my fileshare, im too poor to get bungie pro and u dont even need a gametype. this really isnt a racing map, cuz its so easy...
oh ok. but i'd choose the crematorium over yellow star bursts. plz have mercy!!!
Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the yellow starbursts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're pure evil!
NOOOOOO! not the red starburst!! the yellow ones taste so bad! how are my men supposed to eat?!?! I surrender. you win. :P
well, i guess ur gonna get no scoped to the dome pretty soon by someone really good with sniper
oh nos! let us suit up and prepare for battle! I call sniper
well that explains the quiet plotting sounds and whispers when im not not paying attention
no, they actually hate me. but what can i say? i have to power my computer somehow, and they're so easy to catch.....