coming out with one soon, and sorry its so hard to write, ill work on changing it
i have thought about making a v2 of some of them, but i dont have bungie pro and my fileshare is packed, so maybe with xmas money i get bungie pro...
looks very nice, but why did u make it go into the ground. those ramps are a very good drivable surface and u used them for walls. and that...
you just bumped yourself.....
thanks for ur support. in ur flaming, u bumped my post.... u = fail then the track would be much shorter, and couldnt be as complex. i...
idk about the jumps, but a couple of curves will give u some trouble. make sure to study the youtube vid if your having trouble i wouldnt...
wow. thanks. that means alot coming from someone who got a map that isnt competive and has to do with mongooses featured. thank you for the...
[quote of guy below me] OMG i was just looking at that. lol
maybe i dont like funky fresh. ever think of that?!
its the same thing
ya i have seen another turf that was way better than either of those ones, but those are the only ones i could find.
Dont whatever me!!
theres a database of remakes from the other 2 halos and these are the ones for turf. sry they're not the one ur looking for
well good. now i dont have to say no one likes you to your face
hmmm. ok. i dont think this one is much better, but you can still try it anyway: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
here is a link to the post. there are screenies at the bottom. when satisfied with the map, click back to file at the top right. then u can DL...
i dont think it works with just a few objects. im pretty sure that u have to have them all glitched and from there you can delete and unglitch...
AND MY MAP IS TURNING OUT ORGASMIC. i should finish it this wknd, but offline.
you cant just sneak on? cuz i wont be on this wknd, like, at all.
???? oooooookkkkkkk. can u go on RIGHT NOW?????