I am pretty sure it respawns, because i have played games where i have used it and then it is used by the other team when they obliterate my...
I laugh at you, he said that it is a small ffa map so read the post before you flame people. Also, in the weapon set, it doesn't say there are...
I think it is a picture from forge, so you can see the column they used as the "hill." Looks pretty good.
Didn't you post another map with the same name? Maybe it was this without the pics. Anyway, it looks like a well made map, but i just don't see...
These are the hardest jump courses i have ever seen, even number 1 is slightly more challenging then i expected. 5/5
GuatecuFoSho, your post is unnecessary, you only need to quote portions of the thread otherwise you take up too much space. About the map,...
I like how you added "equipment effects" to your pics, it makes it look very professional. Good job and nice map.
I have seen a lot of infection maps and i would say this is more of a "fun" infection game rather than "competitive" infection game. It's not my...
Your images don't work please fix them thanks.
Your link leads to your fileshare, in the future, please link it to a forum page where the specific map is listed so we don't need to search for...
This map look CRAZY AWESOME i am q'ing right now.
This is new for Ghost Town. I don't know how many bars i have seen for Foundry, but then again, what haven't you seen on Foundry?
Oh, sorry. I didn't know where to post this, but at least it wasn't posted as a map, rofl. Btw, if i did not explain, this is a map i will be...
You might get flamed for Sidewinder being a map from Halo: CE. But it looks good.
The map named in my sig has taken on a new shape. What was called "Conquest" has been renamed "The Aztecs." Those interested should check back...
I think the reason is that the bridge is intentionally rickety but also because a bridge of crates would be harder to build, you would...
So? What will prevent them from going outside if that is where they spawn? That doesn't make much sense.
Idea is simple but functional. Because it is a small map. I don't see why you decided not to interlock. Humans and Zombies will escape. I know...
This idea for a map has been done before. Yours is different but i still don't see a huge difference except that you drive warthogs in this one.
Well, neither are incorrect or correct. There are places that need interlocking severely, i.e. the bases. But there are also places that have...