Those were my exact thoughts, you do not want a sword in a small map, let alone the sniper above everyone just spawn killing. Interlocking is...
Wow, you are a pro Mongeezer. Some of these stunts look insane, i.e. the spinning pallet thing. The only problem is that when you play with more...
Thanks for tut on the teleporter thing, i did not understand why you gave a teleporter that was blocked, i thought it was if you fell off the jump...
This is very reminiscent of Mario Kart (64) and Kirby Airride (GC). Good job, the interlocking looks pretty professional like guild level (in...
Yeah, you have, he posted this on 7/13/08 (see sdrakulich's post) he reposted a few of his maps. Naughty, naughty Paranoia_uk....
Lol, troll's eye, because trolls live under bridges.
I agree with eguitar, this map has potential and appears to incorporate vehicles effectively which is challenging to do in such a small space...
ROFL ROFL ROFL, I <3 the links, a picture the red takes you to DL, the other to the Viagra website. GENIUS. As amazing as the map itself. 5/5...
I have a friend who will likely show interest. Already q'ed to DL, seems like a good map (from what is shown).
I know the point of the map is to have an extremely clustered battle to the death but that is not my thing so i don't think i will DL. Sorry.
I think it looks kinda funny how you have the crates held down by weapon holders. Cool map, i like that you tried to bring back the super bounce...
He will, TheDarkNight05 embedded his pics, so when he gets back on he will add the pics. +rep to TheDarkNight05
The reason it is sloppy is to give the effect that you are preparing for the hostage retrieval, not carrying the real thing out. This is similar...
I really like the tunnel and interlocking but it is not that big, 3.5/5
Maybe, i didn't even realize there was a radar jammer. also, it is good to get this resolved
Supa pointless. i no care for these types of all out brawls in close quarters.
BEST PINBALL EVAR!!! There is actually incentive to not fail.
You are a generously evil soul, the bribe of Microsoft points at the expense of our sanity. EDIT: In Cat Mario, you don't spawn in the right...
It is pretty obvious that this is Standoff, especially because there is a pic of the map on b4 you dl it
teehee, funny pics, deserves emoticon :)