The Resort Cooperative Challenge Created by Juggacly Welcome Everyone! I am here with my new Puzzle map, The Resort! This time with all...
New video! Edit: I'm looking for Beta testers, PM me or send me a Message on XBox Live. -Thanks. Edited by merge: The map has been updated, I...
I love the idea of this. Simple yet, so smart. Good job!
I'm looking for Beta testers, for 'The Resort' PM me if you want to try it out, Or send me a message on XBox Live. -Thanks.
Thanks! =)
No, I just wanted to show it. I know it was officially put out, I'm not dumb. It's for the people who havn't seen it! Plus I wasn't the one who...
Check it out, it look's pretty nice :) Borderlands 2 Doomsday Trailer - YouTube
New Download Buttons! :D
This looks like a pretty cool series.
Ok it's simple really, You just get the ball and try to get it to the end. The Challenge with other players is the fun thing, Because it's a war...
Well yeah, I got permission from him. I made The Emerald Skull with him.
The Resort is now complete you can check out the forum :) Halo Reach - The Resort Early Look - YouTube Here's a Quick Flythrough of It. Halo...
POWER GOLF Created By Juggacly [IMG][IMG] Hi Everyone, I am here with my *NEW* Map 'Power Golf' It is a Custom map made for Parties,Solo...
I Went Straight into the Campaign. Lol, But then when i Beat it i got all the Skulls and Terminals.
This is Really Challenging! I was stuck on the First Part :D ANYWAY Great Puzzle!
Glad you liked it! My next map is going to be called "The Resort" here's an Early Look! Halo Reach - The Resort Early Look - YouTube Edited by...
Good job :D
accra is pretty awesome
I Downloaded This, I Tried with a full game of 16 to see if it would work but some of us didn't teleport in field, But Great Job!