:) I'de love to play it when it's released, can never have enough puzzles!
No, I haven't added all the Challenges yet, and it will still need to undergo major testing.
Sounds interesting. If its for the flood gametype though I probably wouldn't be able to add it, as these maps use gametypes such as oddball, KOTH...
I actually had a map idea like this, but it never looked right. I quite like the look of this map.
Yeah, I've got that set. I tried again just to make sure, same thing happened. Edit: I just found the solution. Setting the Fusion Coil to...
So I've been working on my puzzle map for Halo 4, and as some of you may know, I use fusion coils in them. I set them to "Fixed" Respawn time...
Hehe, shouldn't be too long... If I can get more ideas in my head. ;D Edited by merge: If anybody has a basic idea for a challenge please tell...
I love what you've done with this map. I hope it feels right to play 4v4 mantis vs mantis.
So does me...
I've added two easter eggs to the puzzle, not the best hiding spots but oh well, it should still be fun to try to find. When the map is out, and...
I might actually need testers, I've ony got one tester... By the way, this map will probably not be released for some weeks, I just want you guys...
It's co-op :)
Return of the Challengers (Co-op Puzzle) I've started my first Halo 4 Puzzle! Every once and a while I will be posting different screenshots...
So basically, this saturday I'm doing an open lobby with my youtube channel. (it's a group channel by the way) I was just wondering if anyone...
Haha, that's Smokemonster. But I'm learning ;D A walkthrough would be much appreciated :) Edited by merge: The map's probably not at its final...
[IMG] GAMETYPE IS REQUIRED!! V 1.1 Hey everyone welcome to my new Puzzle map, Destiny!...
I've got another puzzle work-in-progress but probably won't be released for a while as I only just started the other day Edited by merge:...
The images are small, is there anyway you could make them bigger? The map doesn't look too bad. I might give it a download. The challenges look...
Hehe. Pretty sweet right? Probably going to stop editing this map. Or just re-design the whole thing, less weapons, likely get rid of the hog...
It would be much better if you just couldn't betray in the first place.