The Map for my "Duck Hunt" Is not modded, (Surprisingly) Works well and is up in my fileshare, you can search my name GT lordcrusnik1986, I do...
Not ignorant either, But ill straight up be honest I really do just do it for the lulz. I never thought the rules changed But its always...
Just wanted to point out that its been over a year since ive posted a map....That being said your indication and implication that im too "Stupid...
Ya Every once in a while i stir the pot, i used to post occasionally.
WHATS UP! when did you join? Anyway When did you want to do a map together, i remember we talked about it but never actually got to it
I won't post modded maps I won't post modded maps I won't post modded maps I won't post modded maps
Fixed to include normal version. sorry bout that.
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Simple and Small, a suburban town in the middle of a winter storm, Ice and snow created with nova so if your not a fan of nova...
NOTE: I do have to fix the gates a little to allow for elites to go through easier, Parts of This map are not elite friendly, just so you guys...
This was a really great puzzle map, even though it was a single player, on our end we had 7 people working together and it was still enjoyable and...
This Cemetary will probably be my last forge for a month or so. Map: : Halo Reach : File Details [IMG]
Quick question, i played this earlier and LOVED IT but why is there an insta death in a location that obviously people could go? I mean a 10...
I went and bought halo 2 to get a better understanding of headlong and i was off on so many things,I finished as much as i could of it before i...
It is a reimagining sorry if i had mislead people it was not intentional, i will be working later on an update to it including more specific...
simply ran low on items, couldnt put the beam in and have one more crane
This is The first complete headlong experience, thats right complete remaster of the halo 2 map headlong. 5 continious days of head bashing and...
After 2 weeks and countless fine tuning i present to you the complete remake of chronopolis. [IMG] Originally debuting on halo custom edition this...
suppose it cant be helped, so i bothered you
I understand why my map was taken down, but id like to submit it if i may? Yes i used a modded wall base, but nothing else about this was modded,...
This is what i need though good constructive critisim, I think im going to pull the buildings in by one big wall which will make the street access...