i like it but not much going on i give it a 5/10
16 grenades man thats alot to hold for 1 person bring the rain of grenades
the rookie for sure he is an all around odst
my first game was halo 1 i played it when i was 5
:happy:mine is boohalo so 21 years ago my counsin counldnt pronounce my uncles name and it was butch so it became boo when i was born i reminded...
misty misty[IMG]
thanks i got it
hi peoples
hello my gamertag is boohalo its a long story i was going to change it but my friends said no so i stuck with it i would liked to be called jeff...
i had this pic on my file share for a long time and not alot of people download it i think its good but what are your thought on it [IMG]
what are your thoghts on project natal
whats so bad of thinking about forest gump
i was 6 at the time and it was the 4th of july and a sparkeler fell on my arm pit and set it on fire so i ran around for a minute and the fire was...
he is right i know tons of kids that play halo three but they are not violent at all