u shood get loyal.
gratz on loyal yoo were right.
hey you like radiohead right y dont you join mai social groop. you dont have to but we only have 2 m3mb3ers sad face...
sup single clicks brother its tequilajoe.
how does this work i already made a map with this name and i posted it a long time ago...
hai damarco hows Fh for you nowz?
lol that was pretty weird man
the second one is the best because i heart sniping M24 FTW
you all will laugh at me for this but i only like him because hes in my favorite band sooooooooooooo........................ Thom Yorke of...
i think this map looks really cool i also originally thought it would be a cod 4 remake but it wasnt, woopee so ill DL for shure
this map pack is very well dne i like the second one the best
this is fantastic if you dot like coldfront the pope will smite you.
well done this is a very unique idea and one that i very much like i think u made a great map 9/10
the lookof the map is very cool and i do agree that more cover is an advantage for this map
Hai Damarco Its Tequilajoe
well i completely agree with your last statement and think that unless the harassers have had an abortion then they shouldnt be harassing anyone.
ok the neatness on the maps by the pics are great dom keep up the good work and ill give it a definate DL.
cool ok saberwing im not that old but what i can tell you is that this subject has a lot of mixed oppinions. and after browsing the subject a...
hai iverson
Strike at Karkand, Road to Jalalalalallalalalalabad BF2