wow, very nice! ive never seen a map positioned this way and it fits well! one part i dont like is the middle bridge connecting the sides, you can...
well yes, this does look like onslaught. but it also looks like amplified because of the non-attached walkway near the built wall. but i need to...
i have been trying to come up with another 2 base symmetrical MLG style map for so long and then you make this one. I need to get some ideas like...
thx that helped alot, i was having trouble uploading pics and i couldnt find a way until now. LOL Balsak T. Baghar...classic
wow, this map looks great! t first it thought it looked too crammed, but the opening in the middle is awesome! im not fond of the...
wow there re so many good things here. i love the clean geomerging and interlocking, i can never do that. I design is pretty cool and i loved the...
wow this is so awesome! multiple levels, inclosed area, the map looks great, looks like a lot of patience ran away in the making of this, 5/5 (do...
Now see heres a MLG map that is actually MLG. It has all the aspects of Onsluaght and Amplified except for some things *cough*fence boxes*cough...
this is an ok map, theres a couple things. one, Theres not enough cover and two, there only 1 level. NOTE: Try making a second level like angling...
Wow, thanks TheDarkKnight05 those videos really helped! Mustve missed these the hundreds of times i searched YouTube.
Ive seen some maps have that kind of, what i call, covenant scenery and people complain and people do not so i went ahead and asked this question.
i cant imagine what level of patience u have lining up all the boxes and trying to have the ledges stick out at a certain length. But there is one...
:omg: :frustrated: Whew im gonna calm down enough to make this post. Ok, theres a couple problems i have. 1. Im trying to push a slightly...
ok, im gonna calm down enough to post this, how do you push the boxes into the WALL u explained the floor but not the WALL. I Im trying to put a...
wow this is such an awesome map, perfect interlocking i didnt see any mistakes. great layout to, not to fond of mlg maps still its good. I love...
This map looks so awesome! the geomerged floor, the bunkers are perfectly shaped, and it looks (havent played yet, BUT...) like its pretty...
falwless...perfect...amazing the interlocking is phenomenal. This layout looks like that of bayonetwork but you are right its way better i love...
one of the best ive seen in a while, perfect interlocking, layout and design i love the undergorund part!! 5/5
awesome interlocking, its almost perfect! the layout is good too, although i dont like the place with the mauler spawn... but still good 5/5
its kinda sloppy, dont use too many power weapons, and make the layout better because the person who goes for the sniper will get the overshield...