Here are my first Mythic screenshots. Enjoy, and comment. Not Good: [IMG] Rain Down: [IMG] Tactical: [IMG]
Omg this map is amazing. Guardian is my favorite map and a remake on Sandbox is genius. Im going to deffinatly dl. Great Job 4.5/5
Oh this is a sick map and great idea. I love most of the remakes from Halo 2 and Halo, but this one is really good. Great job.
You are Walshy. You are a fan favorite and a well known veteran of the circuit. Although not known for your slaying abilities in Halo 3 you make...
I play on the default of three because it gives me a steady BR shot and I just like it, but it does sometimes screw me over in sniping.
Thank you all for the criticsm and the tips. The map i am currently working on will be better. It is another infection map, and i will try and use...
THE LAST STAND Hey, well this is my first map. Im new to the site, and this is my first ever map post. Any criticsm is welcomed. Ad if you dont...