Thanks mr pib and afroninja. Ya i know the effects are simple, but im kind of new to actually making screenshots. But thanks again.
I like it. The needles add a cool effect.
haha, ya thats pretty funny. And FirFox he had the guy jump by needle spawn, and then took the picture.
I really like 3-6. They are quite sick. Favorites though are Forest Ninja and 7UP.
Alright thanx man. And ya i will start doing them in custom games, some of them as i remember were experimental pictures. But thanks again for...
Here are quite a few of my most recent screenshots. Straight from Hell [IMG] Rainbow Warrior [IMG] Pink is Manly [IMG] Here I Come [IMG] Out...
This one is sick. I really like the way the pistols are at his sides.
Ya i agree^ I think the bubble sheild adds a great looking affect to an already good picture.
Hey thanks man. Ya i've always wanted to get into Machinima, but I just dont have the money to buy a capture card.
Guys dont flame each other or go off topic. jpitty chill, and official be careful about what you say. This kid has a serious question, dont ruin...
Do you meet the requirements? Yes Have you ever done shorts or even series? No I have not Do you visit Yes How much time do you...
Official is right. It is just overloading a map. In no way is it any type of modding so dont worry. Something wierd happens on every map when you...
Apparition and Gunmetal are absolutly sick. Keep it up. And about the Nova thing, I think its supposed to look like that.
Great Guide, im going to deffinatly go try this.
Great Tut man. A lot better than anything ive ever found on youtube. Ive always wanted to use this. So again great tut.
I love the take my hand one. The lurking one has an awesome effect. And third one the armor looks kind of fake, and the explosian isnt centered or...
Dual Wield and Triumphant are my favorites. They are sick.
8. How do you make a map symmetrical, angles and everything? It can be difficult, but with Foundry you have a somewhat grid on the ground for...
Great concept with the day and night idea. It was merged really well, and the Aesthetics were great. You deffinatly got my download.
Hey thanx man. And ya i'll know next time for the whole fire and guest controller thing.