Well I guess you could say I haven't been too active here on forgehub recently. I guess you could say that I will be gone for a while maybe...
... huh
You can take the timely method of overloading the map and then geomerging into the man-cannons. I did it once. It is nowhere near as hard as it...
Wow. Steryotype fail. There are more greate maps on foundry because it has been out longer but if you compare Utah Mambo to most every foundry...
Well you could force the middle green part into the trunk. I have seen teleporter merging but have no idea about how to do it. Here is a link to a...
Oh I guess your right. I better go forge that epic floating map on foundry now!!!!!!! All the objects with the exception of lights and...
1) Size 2) Diversity 3) Objects 4) Budget 5) Theme 6) Grid 7) Killballs 8) Lighting Effects 9) 3 Tiers 10) No cranes Those are mine. I...
Anybody who says foundry is better than sandbox probably just can't except the fact that sandbox destroys foundry in almost every way imaginable....
I'll be gone for a week. I haven't left ForgeHub.
Might want to think about adding a few pictures as it would help the community give you feedback a little better. The idea is a good one but it is...
An assasins creed map would be quite fun actually. Try and incorporate some cool stuff from the game to keep it fresh. It would be cool sitting on...
Results for V3 [IMG]
Okay...... V2 [IMG] Tryed fethering the edges of her hair and smudging here to make her blend in more.
V1 [IMG] V2 [IMG] V3 [IMG] CnC nao!!!!!!
Well, honestly this is one of the funnest maps I've played in a long time. Although the aesthetics are one of a kind, the incredible gameplay is...
[IMG] [spoiler] CnC Plox.
I thought the scanlines lok quite nice. they don't hurt anything anyway. Whole signature is epic win. You've got a hot actress on a nice...
Could you think about my review hub application and either tell me if I pased or not?
Woah, how did you post so fast? There's not much to get quite honestly! Dark and sad... somewhat
[IMG] I just got a copy of photoshop CS4. It was suprising how quickly this started to look nice. It has no main focal point. It is meant to try...