Took, thw words right out of my mouth. Typhlosean, If that turns out to be true I will make sure you get an infraction.
Forge is not powerful enough to do this well. It would be incredibly limiting. You can't have scripted sequences to make gameplay more...
yup. I was going to post it in the Monday thread and then I saw your post.
your school got canceled for flooding too.
OMG!!! Did you not notice that only one out of 35 maps has gotten reviewed. And they've been open for nearly 4 months.
I did, but the requests didn't stop coming.
How did I know?
I did try and join. Now STFU
Is the RH completely down. Oh and congratz on loyal.
No.... There a dead group. if they actually reviewed maps, then I would use them. Could everybody stop with this preferably large, but it...
Okay, I'd like the community to know that I will go by a system of first come first serve. However I am going to try and get small review done in...
I'm Shutting this down. After seeing 4 weeks worth of reviewing pop up in 3 minutes I knew that this wasn't going to work. Resurrection of review...
I just Saw your post on the review hub application. I thought that you should know that the review hub is completely dead, posting there will do...
Wait until you find out that it isn't your teammates.
o_O you're name looks cool in yellow!!!
It's an easier game to go pro at. When you sign up for a job realting to map design in the gaming industry they ask to see a portfolio of previous...
Unreal Tornament 3
I'm looking to go pro in map design and that requires more experience than forge can offer.
Yes it is very confusing indeed. I like to stick to blender. Iv'e tried Maya and it is really crazy. Thank god I'm not in modeling. We're pretty...
Well I'm leaving Forgehub for personal benifit. I may come back for reach. Possibly see some of you online and such. But for the most part. I'm...