This is just epic. The post is among the most detailed I've seen. As for the map i've played a lot of games with you, slayer is amazing CTF;...
I played this yesterday with you I think, it was awesome even though me and insane got beat, I especially loved the corridors, and the weapon...
Actually tiny blocks and the other smalls blocks are movable and are equivalent to crates and dumpsters I think.
I Just thought I'd put them all up for you guys. I'm so excited for this, I will still be using the sky bubble first however....
Brig grade 2 :D Got it the other day in team swat lol
Which screenshot is that could you please point it out?
Can anyone speculate as to how big a block, huge will be?
Your font is no longer yellow? lol
Does any one have any idea how big a BLOCK, HUGE will be? I want to start planning before the map comes out.
It seems the objects on sandbox fit closely together, obviously on a floating map geo-merging will not be used but do you think interlocking...
Well this is definatley a good first post and you posted everthing correctly. I like the look of the map and the fact that you used the rear...
You shouldn't just leave a post where you think the map is bad and not suggest any improvements, I agree the map is sloppy but it is not pathetic,...
This looks great, I love the bases and the centerpiece is unique, however from the pictures I can see a regenerator, no equiptment is allowed in...
I actually heard it was 3 months difference somewhere, im not sure where though, i'm most likely wrong :P Ill probably wait if it's not too long...
sorry for posting in the wrong place
I was just wondering as i am planning on releasing a few foundry maps either late Feb or early March and dont want my maps to be losts amongst...
Just to let you know I already have a map by the name Point Blank
Thanks for the comments savage sound i will think about making those changes if I make a version 2, i will test both of your suggestions and see...
Im glad you like my maps, thanks for the feedback i am hoping to release new MLG map soon so you have that to look forward to :D
Thanks deathtoll for mentioning that some people were getting confused about the map being inescapable. I have aslo just made a bungie thread if...