No one will download with just a teaser pick, this isn't a preview the post needs to be as detailed as possile you need a better description of...
Im sorry to say but I think this will be near impossible to recreate. :( Even if you budget glitched the map i'm sure you would run into the OLN...
Where are the spawn points? I hop they have not been deleted as the also count towards the OLN I think.
Ha your hilarious, what even is a personal hacker, honestly your probably not even a high skill 20 in MLG. Stop stealing maps and don't post...
Well the wall glitch is: If you place a wall as a floor (flat) when you save and quick and come back the walls will be on a slight slant by about...
Where are the spawn points I don't see them?
Wow this is amazing, I think this is the first aesthetic map i have seen on sandbox. Youve set high standards and I love how you have not just...
I'm in
No it's ok just delete them and update the download link, edit your original thread as well so people don't mention it after you've fixed it.
You can't have bubble shields, power drainers or regenerators on an MLG map, YOU FAIL. Get rid of them and this will be suitable for MLG. EDIT:...
I disagree this looks like a boring racetrack it looks like you didnt take any advantage of what you can do with sandbox, there are no real...
WOW!, honeslty its been a while since i saw structures as original as this, I can't wait to play, i love how you chnaged the bases for different...
Look at every other map post, pics are embedded, your post is not up to standards, you need to embed your pics or no one will download this and...
Yeh try to budget glitch the map, I would really like to see an ascension remake.
There is no known method sorry. I doubt a way will even be found.
Im not sure what you mean could you please explain in more detail, sorry.
When I place a box, double or single up against foundrys wall and then save and quit the box will be on a slight slant, is there anyway to stop...
This seems an obvious question, and i don't know if anyone has asked it, but what is the budget on sandbox?
Well you clearly never played the map, you are inside the double boxes shooting out, it is physically impossible to fall. I played this map a...
You won't be able to get starting points in your item list straight away. First press start while in editor mode and change the gametype to...