wow, talk about a spammed up post... the map. yeah. it's pretty much awesome. and... is that a pit under the sword? if so, awesome idea. the...
wtf... people beat the sh!t out of me for putting timed effects on my map, and you get praised for it. people hated the killballs, but look at...
i agree w/ dave teh rave, the shield doors will probably make a lot of camping. as far as the map itself, i'm not really sure what to say about...
this is definitely creative. i really like the idea, especially the skybox and how you mounted the weapons, etc., but i think you could have...
k, thnx. i'll download it now that i know sorta a little more about the map. also, something i didn't notice the first time i saw this map......
well, yeah. that person who had an org*sm (^) over teh interwebs apparently doesn't know anything about roller coaster style races. they are...
very funny. but who the hell wouldn't notice the guy on the radar? and plus, i was assuming this was meant to be played on infection. the pallet...
i haven't seen v1 or v2, but v3 looks great. the interlocking looks very clean, and there is some stuff i don't see often [pic 1, the upside-down...
lovin the map. the waterfall technique you used is very unique, too bad it isn't used as much as it should be [i saw the video, it looked like you...
okay, i have seen both versions... and i must say, there isn't much different about this version. the fusion coils are a bad idea. can i download...
well, doesn't our quotes say that it is unoriginal? isn't that constructive criticism? saying that something is unoriginal should tell the...
well, first thing i thought when i saw this map was that it is practically the same thing as tundra. i bet you just took tundra and edited a few...
electric vined is definitely my favorite. i know how do the effect [i think you put shield doors together at different angles], but i never saw...
nice pic. the top one is awesome. how did you get the inverted effect?
there are WAY too many types of this map out already. it looks like you just took smear the pinkie and switched it around so that it's the zombies...
it looks like total sh!t. i tried, and the elites' retarded head positioning bulges out so that you can barely even see the spartan's head. i've...
i agree, you need a layout picture. if there's a roof, take it off for the picture and take the photo from above, and label where the sewers are...
creative, i must say. But Capitalizing almost Every Word that Has some Purpose To it Seems a Little Unnecessary. onto the map... as i said, it's...
well, i've never played tremors and mouse, so could you put in a short description of the point of tremors and mouse in your post? i can't really...
i don't see how you ran into the object limit... you must have been using the blank canvas. if you did, make sure your next map uses a stacked...