when saving your games, make sure you save the game and dont forget to quit the forge session, if you dont quit after saving, it wont save, so in...
all good, cheers for feedback, there are some other minor touches that need doing but glad to heer some feedback about this map finally lol
it looks good but like you said it isnt playable because of the overuse of heavy pieces, even after removing everything if u were to create a...
all good man, i get what ya mean, just getting use to this whole forum thing, first time for me so im still learning the ropes, but yeh i can be...
sweet we have some maps too to test if u are up for it?
check out mine i put a rocket launcher in the middle on bottom floor, Overshield above rockets top floor and snipers at top floor on either sides...
I totally agree, that happened to me, i re downloaded it for updated version and it still used old one or i accidently chose the wrong one that i...
i appreciate the constructive complaints but having a bland no textured floor would be poor, i thought of this wilst making the map but realised...
i just wish you could turn lighting on or off if it is going to be this bad where you cant even use a select number of all pieces, weather they...
BRING BACK OLD GAMETYPES!! maybe if we all just keep nagging they will do it
Keep at it man, looks promising just some things need fine tuning, also im not sure if you noticed but your safe boundary doesnt cover the whole...
Cheers man, runs really smooth with the lighting in halo 4 and works well
good luck
ahh the bank issue, they may look ugly and nothing like tombstones but having them the other way around doesnt work either cos u cant jump on them...
Map Name: Derelict Created By: Textbookstoner Original Map: Derelict Link to FH thread: Map Preview Derelict - Forge Hub Download Link: Search...
Derelict Halo 1 Here is a classic remake of derelict, can suit 16 players team slayer Would love to heer your thoughts on this, download it...
Where are the walls and roof?
yeh i totally get what u r saying but with what they give u u cant make like 72 tombstones cleanly, the best way to make em would be to use...
Map Name: Hang Em High Created By: UberGerken and TextbookStoner Original Map: Hang Em High Link to FH thread: Map Preview Hang Em High - Forge...
Hang Em High Updated version out now. Based on the halo combat evolved hang em high but remade for Halo 4 CO FORGED BY : UberGerken and...