Timothy, for your first i think its very good!! also as for gimp.. its only like a 17 MB file, it doesnt take long to DL
i feel your pain Boydy, i usually just search GIMP 2 tutorial to look for them. but i know another site (Veoh) that hosts videos. try searching...
all of those programs open at once caused your computer to crash.. im guessing your Mac identefied GIMP as the problem and ejected it.
my sigs (i have 3 in a rotation) in my signature were not made by me, they were made by Ravn, Zerosun, and Zerosun again. the 2 on top were made...
thanks killnon, if you want i can replace my name with yours?
thanks randy =] edit: if you want, i can replace my name with yours and give the sig to you
yeah, ravn is right Convulse, but thanks neways
wow.. uhh thanks for the critiscism lol
okay so this is my first attempts at a sig using PS 7.0 tell me what you think of it!!! [IMG] [IMG]
oh wow... well thanks again for reccomending the site, it works perfectly
mikey, i think you should keep the fight for honor slogan. but.. idk.. maybe change the text? to something that looks like blood is driping off...
okay guys, i went to the site Ravn suggested, and it worked just fine! thanks again for all the input though, FH community really is great
so how do i make a .gif?
tihs map iz oozehng wit uuber h4><0r-n355 i DLd and i luvz it!!
aww man.. well thats okay
if you could actually find enough MATURE people to play this game it would be mad fun
how do you do it?
okay could you do that?
okay so i have a question for everybody.. is there any way to make 2 sigs [IMG] and [IMG] to be together in my signature? like the...
i dont like this sig... the text blows..