FINALLY!!! i have been waiting for you to remake this map for a LOOONGGG time! i loved the first version, and i can only imagine that this one is...
sounds like great fun.. if you're a human. if not.. the zombies just get slaughtered. ive played maps like these before.. and i dont like them one...
great job on this map, it is the most playable scarab map i've ever played. its lots of fun with TS or CTF. i like the switches you used in the...
looks like it should be funsies. oh and btw.. WELCOME TO FORGEHUB!!!!!!!!!!!1
well.. my little bro is one of those 2% i am 15 and i play halo 3 online all the time. and i do NOT think that little kids should be able to play...
wow killnon thats pretty extreme. i like it!!! edit: it has to be your work, so no.. it wont qualify
i like the day to night effects on the map. this is one good map on ghost town amongst tons of bad ones.
this looks like a lot of fun on 1v1. ill give it a DL when i have room
it does look kinda sloppy, but other than that it looks like mad fun wth a party. ill give 3/5 for looks and 4/5 for playability
you're right!!! this map IZ full of epic winsauce!!!!! i will definitley give it a DL later when i have room
it doesnt look much like sonic to me.. more like Vegeta or sumthin from DBZ
wow this looks really really great, ill give it a DL later when i have room
this map looks like mad fun. it looks just like In Amber Clad to me 5/5
all i can say is WOW.. this is very original 6/5
wow this map looks great, ill playtest later 2nite or 2mro and be back with a review
wow dude this map is extremley original, ive never seen a soccer ball puzzle! 5/5 for such a cool map
ZOMG you can shoot THRU THE STAIRS!!!!!!!!1 wow this is so original 6/5 i love it!!!
well thats good! just dont run all those programs at once again lmao. btw what type of mac do you have?
yeah it is
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