Phobia is a competitive Doubles map built in the skybox. When my group receives Bungie Favorites, this map will be the map spotlight on the...
Ah, alright, my bad. Then it's MUCH easier to make walls fall from out below you.
So far you've received three comments from guys who have yet to even forgethrough the map. Don't listen to those people. I applaud you for your...
Wait, you want us to give you ideas on a map idea? :/ If you're going to make it, then think of how to do it. Otherwise, don't. Maybe I just don't...
Edited in my comments.
I said it's been documented before, and much better guides have been written. All you're doing is reinventing the wheel... poorly. People have...
See Spades' post. This technique has been documented before, even in video. Sorry bud.
Um... that's the method everyone does. Sorry bud.
Thanks. I'm almost ready to publish this thing, and I think I'll keep the name. Most names have been used multiple times.
Phobia plays similarly to Cosmic Rick's Gravity Well, and has a circular map layout. No losing nades: every item is interlocked with at least one...
That's very bizarre, as I've never had that problem in any of my parties.
Thanks guys. I'm considering adding one minor twist: Consider the Crypt divided into four equal boxes. In the center of each of these boxes is...
[IMG] Grifball - on steroids, minus the host advantage and the lack of fun I N F O R M A T I O N Above is the title that bruteball was tagged...
Back in Foundry, you could make a smooth bridge at the exact height of a double box by placing a sideways double box and the bridge on top of it....
Meep meep.
EDIT: Request filled. Thanks to those who volunteered to help.
I don't see why people expect Blackout to play the same as Lockout. We're in a different game now. Halo 3 is far from Halo 2. Different physics,...
These are all really good. I like the variation in effects. My one tip for you? Modesty never hurt anyone.
Photoshop. Usually all I do is resize them to get rid of the hideous yellow resize bar on top, increase contrast + saturation, and add a border.
Thank you guys for a very interesting 4 piece read. Oh, and Frag: "Reach a point where we can understand what's going on here?" You're trying to...