Looks beautiful, but I see no way, unless you double the size of this map, that you'll be able to support Big Team (Which I consider 6v6+). Purely...
Unlike most who posted here, I actually downloaded and played the map, and I can say, while the aesthetics are top-notch, I found gameplay to be...
I'm getting really sick of posting maps here. If you would just DOWNLOAD THE MAP before posting, you could see there is no hole, and no brute...
Oh look, it's Eakle! Great map, this is one of the maps where pictures REALLY cannot display the thought put into the map. The balance, spawns and...
I love the layout and aesthetics. It's disappointing to me that, regardless of how they're used, teleporters immediately become the focus of a...
Glad to see you took your time writing a quality post, and I commend you on making a true vehicle-oriented map. However, some structures (Such as...
Your lights are switched. Red = defenders, blue = attackers.
[img] Power Cell started off as just a side project with Sentry and Complex Alpha my two main projects at the time. However, as it grew, I...
...Cool? Where is this coming from?
33. (5 char limit)
Team Snipers, Multi Team, and Social Skirmish.
Thank you all. I'll be going through extensive testing as I always do, maybe even submitting this to Atlas but I'm not sure. If you'd like to help...
complexalpha Countless UNSC training facilites were affected by the outbreak. It's time to take one back. 4-8 players. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Hey, I was looking at the forum, and all of the features are from rusty, Vice, LIGHTSOUT or some other journalist!!! :P Great work, Element,...
Not a fan of the border... at all. I'm no expert, but the border kind of dampens the sig for me...
I'm still debating on the vehicular set. It might just go down to 2 ghosts by the end. And no, that IS what you want for territories and king....
[img]Sentry is a spiritual successor to my best Foundry map, Fissure. Likewise, I have confidence that this could very easily be my best Sandbox...
While pic 2 has been done a million times, you're one of few to get a good pose for it. #1 is solid, the second-last is just flat out overdone,...
Thanks LIGHTS. I would advise that no one play Dubs Flag just yet, as v2.8 has better flag spawns. It'll be up when patch 2 of the Forge Union...