What are the human/zombie traits?
Are the spawns in lines or scattered everywhere?
This thread isn't up to standards You need to include a description (Even if it is very brief) or it will be locked
Congrats for making an awesome map My problem with it is the fact that it will be almost impossible to get in a party where nobody shoots for the...
While I'm here I may as well help some more... (Download link) Procrastination is funfunfun...
Since I'm such a generous person I've embedded the pics for you Red Base [IMG] Blue Base [IMG] Red Tunnel [IMG] Blue Tunnel [IMG] Middle of...
You NEED to provide at least some sort of description with your map. Although it may not seem necessary when you post a map where the pictures...
I believe all the information/the explanation is found in THIS thread.
I don't think the glitch is caused by online lag seeing as I've had grenades and power drains flying out of nowhere while I was forging offline.
Well here are the images Foundry 1 [IMG] Industrial 1 [IMG] Foundry 2 [IMG] Industrial 2 [IMG] Its good that you uploaded them to photo...
I think he means gaps metaphorically speaking like in gameplay and such. Although I do like the map more pictures couldn't hurt
After looking at the pictures on the bungie.net thread I have to say you have included some superb interlocking in this map and the map looks...
Great idea and map How often do the fusion coils respawn?
You also need to include a link to your map
Looks awesome, BUT MLG maps aren't supposed to use unlimited budget because of game-play lag
It would look a lot better if you flipped those double boxes in picture one upside-down.
The map looks really open, you should consider adding some cover seeing as there are 2 snipers and 2 beam rifles.
You should probably consider making those wire spools immovable.
Hangman By ZuesTGG Only works for slayer games Team SWAT is recommended Map Description A large slayer map on Foundry which utilizes the whole...